Sunday, May 10, 2015

Tropical Storm Ana Continues

Carolina Beach to TopSail Island today but another no ride day for me.  More brave souls rode today than yesterday but the winds and rain were worse and  the rain and wind continue to howl this evening. Tomorrow a scheduled rest day but storm is supposed to continue.  Spring on the east coast- will this wild weather continue?
   outside our hotel
   Our friend Bubby at the Trailer Bar
   Mother's Day late lunch on Topsail Island
    Low country NC


  1. BUMMER! After a day of rest tomorrow, maybe storm will pass???

  2. Thought of you as the weather reports for the east coast came through. Keeping fingers crossed conditions improve for you.

  3. Thought of you as the weather reports for the east coast came through. Keeping fingers crossed conditions improve for you.

  4. Happy Mother's Day to a group of incredible women!!
