Friday, May 29, 2015

Easton to Matamoras, PA 78.2 miles

A long and hilly, hillier, hilliest day of riding today- long hills, short hills, bumpy hills, endless hills....well you get the idea.  We crossed the  Delaware River 4 times today and even spent about 3 miles in New York.  Although challenging, it was a lovely day, the river views, many tree canopied roads , vistas of the Deleware WaterGap and the best homemade Greek food in a tiny cafe in Layton, New Jersey (freshly made warm rice pudding-oh yes!)
   Deleware River
  Giant rhodies
   Trial goes up behind me
   Another crossing


  1. Sounds like you have resigned to PA hills! Glad it was a lovely dat inspire of hills. So is that magic jersey working for you? I love the looks of it - your looking really good.....all those miles makes one pretty skinny! Ride safe and have fun.

  2. All the Pennsylvania pics and HILLS are reminding me of my youth. Looks like a beautiful trip -- enjoy!

  3. You are looking skinny, KK, even with treats like the warm rice pudding! Mmm! Reminds me of the Crazy Greek!
