Soooo I am awarding South Carolina The Official Two Thumbs Down Award for bad road surfaces, no shoulders, speeding trucks and in general just being a bike unfriendly state! Today was a stressful day. After a peaceful ride this morning through the Francis Marian National Forest we were back on what looked like a quiet 2 lane road but we must have been passed by 4 dozen speeding logging and other kinds of BIG trucks. Then back on to a few bucolic quiet roads before making it intact to the lovely and historical village of Georgetown on the Sampit River near the coast. Several interesting museums which we were way too tired to go to.
National forest with fern ground cover
Jack in the Pulpit ( perhaps)
Hope your course took you down Witherbee Rd, KK, otherwise you all might have been lunch! Thank goodness the lovely Georgetown was waiting for you after this hectic day.