Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Chicago to Fort Lauderdale

The crowd is gathering.  Arrived mid morning yesterday, picked up my bike at the wonderful  Downtown Cycles conveniently   located across the street from the hotel and Katie and I went for a test ride of a grueling 6.7 miles. Bikes are in great shape . Weather is threatening, humidity is high. We're ready!
 My loyal friends Alex, Scott and Oscar at Oscar Wastyn 
 Bike shop in Chicago
 Bike in fine shape at Downtown Cycles,Ft Lauderdale
Mr. Foo wondering who will cook him pesto pasta and scrambled eggs for the next 6+ weeks. Tilly and Poppy not worried about anything!

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you today as you get ready for your trip. Love the picture of Foo and the girls!
